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J Exerc Rehabil Search

The effect of treadmill exercise on memory function and gut microbiota composition in old rats
Sang-Seo Park, Si-Hyeon Park, Hyun-Tae Jeong, Mal-Soon Shin, Myung-Ki Kim, Bo-Kyun Kim, Hye-Sun Yoon, Sang-Hoon Kim, Tae-Woon Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2024;20(6):205-212.   Published online December 26, 2024

Lack of changes in motor function of the brain in healthy older adults after participation in a cognitive walking program
Jinsung Wang, Byung-Hoon Kim, Suh-Jung Kang
J Exerc Rehabil. 2022;18(3):187-195.   Published online June 27, 2022

Comparison of field- and laboratory-based estimates of muscle quality index between octogenarians and young older adults: an observational study
Dahan da Cunha Nascimento, Jonato Prestes, Joyce de Sousa Diniz, Pedro Rodrigues Beal, Vicente Paulo Alves, Whitley Stone, Fabiani Lage Rodrigues Beal
J Exerc Rehabil. 2020;16(5):458-466.   Published online October 27, 2020
                          Web of Science 10  Crossref 11

Effect of combined aquatic and cognitive training on quality of life, fall self-efficacy, and motor performance in aged with varying cognitive status: a proof-of-concept study
Mahnoosh Salari Nahand, Mahboubeh Ghayour Najafababdi, Nasser Naghdi, Mahmoud Sheikh, Brandon S. Shaw
J Exerc Rehabil. 2020;16(2):148-153.   Published online April 28, 2020
                          Web of Science 1  Crossref 1

Antiaging strategy considering physiological characteristics
Hyoung-Woo Lee, Hyun-Seung Rhyu
J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(3):346-350.   Published online June 26, 2019
                          Web of Science 2  Crossref 2

Effects of linear versus nonperiodized resistance training on isometric force and skeletal muscle mass adaptations in sarcopenic older adults
Marcelo Conrado de Freitas, Caroline Galan de Souza Pereira, Vitor Cabrera Batista, Fabricio Eduardo Rossi, Alex Silva Ribeiro, Edilson Serpeloni Cyrino, Jason M. Cholewa, Luís Alberto Gobbo
J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(1):148-154.   Published online February 25, 2019
                          Web of Science 11  Crossref 12

Effects of aging on mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide emission and calcium retention capacity in rat heart
Mi-Hyun No, Jun-Won Heo, Su-Zi Yoo, Han-Sam Jo, Dong-Ho Park, Ju-Hee Kang, Dae-Yun Seo, Jin Han, Hyo-Bum Kwak
J Exerc Rehabil. 2018;14(6):920-926.   Published online December 27, 2018
                          Web of Science 9  Crossref 9

Functional resistance training can increase strength, knee torque ratio, and functional performance in elderly women
Ahlan Benezar Lima, Ewertton de Souza Bezerra, Lucas Bet da Rosa Orssatto, Ericles de Paiva Vieira, Luhan Ammy Andrade Picanço, João Otacilio Libardoni dos Santos
J Exerc Rehabil. 2018;14(4):654-659.   Published online August 24, 2018
                          Web of Science 7  Crossref 8

Role of exercise in age-related sarcopenia
Su-Zi Yoo, Mi-Hyun No, Jun-Won Heo, Dong-Ho Park, Ju-Hee Kang, So Hun Kim, Hyo-Bum Kwak
J Exerc Rehabil. 2018;14(4):551-558.   Published online August 24, 2018
                          Web of Science 150  Crossref 157

Effects of whole body vibration training and mental training on mobility, neuromuscular performance, and muscle strength in older men
Maryam Goudarzian, Samira Ghavi, Ardalan Shariat, Hossein Shirvani, Mostafa Rahimi
J Exerc Rehabil. 2017;13(5):573-580.   Published online October 30, 2017
                          Web of Science 38  Crossref 35

Skin temperature response to unilateral training measured with infrared thermography
Víctor L. Escamilla-Galindo, Alejandro Estal-Martínez, Jakub G. Adamczyk, Ciro José Brito, Javier Arnaiz-Lastras, Manuel Sillero-Quintana
J Exerc Rehabil. 2017;13(5):526-534.   Published online October 30, 2017
                          Web of Science 27  Crossref 30

Effect of concurrent resistance and sprint training on body composition and cardiometabolic health indicators in masters cyclists
Luke Delvecchio, Peter Reaburn, Gail Trapp, Marko T. Korhonen
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(5):442-450.   Published online October 31, 2016
                          Web of Science 5  Crossref 4

The correlation between the imaging characteristics of hamstring injury and time required before returning to sports: a literature review
Kjell Svensson, Marie Alricsson, Mattias Eckerman, Theofilos Magounakis, Suzanne Werner
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(3):134-142.   Published online June 30, 2016
                          Web of Science 11  Crossref 12

Verification of relationship model between Korean new elderly class’s recovery resilience and productive aging
Gun-Sang Cho, Dae-Sung Kim, Eun-Surk Yi
J Exerc Rehabil. 2015;11(6):326-330.   Published online December 29, 2015
                          Web of Science 1  Crossref 1

Development of a non-damaging high-intensity intermittent running protocol
Chang Hwa Joo
J Exerc Rehabil. 2015;11(2):112-118.   Published online April 24, 2015
                    Web of Science 4  Crossref 6

Verification of the mediation effect of recovery resilience according to the relation between elderly users’ participation in exercise rehabilitation program and their successful aging
Min-soo Cho
J Exerc Rehabil. 2014;10(5):319-325.   Published online October 31, 2014
                    Web of Science 4  Crossref 3

Relationships of exercise with frailty, depression, and cognitive function in older women
Bog Ja Jeoung
J Exerc Rehabil. 2014;10(5):291-294.   Published online October 31, 2014
                    Web of Science 15  Crossref 14

Influence of aging on visual perception and visual motor integration in Korean adults
Eunhwi Kim, Young-Kyung Park, Yong-Hyun Byun, Mi-Sook Park, Hong Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2014;10(4):245-250.   Published online August 31, 2014
                    Web of Science 9  Crossref 9

Aging, exercise, and extracellular matrix in the heart
Hyo-Bum Kwak
J Exerc Rehabil. 2013;9(3):338-347.   Published online June 30, 2013
                    Crossref 86

Effects of aging and exercise training on apoptosis in the heart
Hyo-Bum Kwak
J Exerc Rehabil. 2013;9(2):212-219.   Published online April 25, 2013
                    Crossref 65
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