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Table of Contents | August, 2016  Vol. 12  No.4 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:


The science behind the Olympic glory
Haemi Jee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):253-254.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 1  Crossref 1
Review Articles

Size dependent classification of heat shock proteins: a mini-review
Hyunseok Jee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):255-259.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 123  Crossref 112

Matrix metalloproteinase and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase responses to muscle damage after eccentric exercise
Jooyoung Kim, Joohyung Lee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):260-265.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 14  Crossref 14

Physical therapy guideline for children with malnutrition in low income countries: clinical commentary
Abey Bekele, Balamurugan Janakiraman
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):266-275.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 7  Crossref 6
Original Articles

Treadmill exercise ameliorates Alzheimer disease-associated memory loss through the Wnt signaling pathway in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Dae-Young Kim, Sun-Young Jung, Kijeong Kim, Chang-Ju Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):276-283.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 38  Crossref 36

Treadmill exercise facilitates recovery of locomotor function through axonal regeneration following spinal cord injury in rats
Sun-Young Jung, Tae-Beom Seo, Dae-Young Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):284-292.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 31  Crossref 29

Treadmill exercise ameliorates motor dysfunction through inhibition of Purkinje cell loss in cerebellum of valproic acid-induced autistic rats
Han-Sam Cho, Tae-Woon Kim, Eun-Sang Ji, Hye-Sang Park, Mal-Soon Shin, Seung-Soo Baek
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):293-298.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 16  Crossref 17

Treadmill exercise ameliorates intracerebral hemorrhage-induced depression in rats
Joo Hwan Roh, Il-Gyu Ko, Sung-Eun Kim, Jae-Min Lee, Eun-Sang Ji, Ju Ho Kim, Hyun-Kyung Chang, Seung Kyu Lee, Khae Hawn Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):299-307.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 16  Crossref 17

The effects of compression garments and electrostimulation on athletes’ muscle soreness and recovery
Yunus Turgay Erten, Turker Sahinkaya, Engin Dinc, Bekir Eray Kilinc, Bulent Bayraktar, Mehmet Kurtoglu
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):308-313.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 7  Crossref 6

Effects of Taekwondo intervention on balance in children with autism spectrum disorder
Yumi Kim, Teri Todd, Takuto Fujii, Jae-Chun Lim, Konstantinos Vrongistinos, Taeyou Jung
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):314-319.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 36  Crossref 31

Acute effects of aerobic stretching, health and happiness improving movement exercise on cortical activity of children
Hyungsoo Choi, Sangjun Park, Kyekyoon Kevin Kim, Kwanghee Lee, Hyun-Seung Rhyu
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):320-327.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 9  Crossref 10

The effects of the academic performance of college students whose major is sports on body composition and abdominal fat rates
Hyeon-Ok Hong, Bo-Ae Lee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):328-332.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 1  Crossref 1

Physical and functional follow-up of tuberculosis patients in initial intensive phase of treatment in Cameroon using the 6-min walk test
Wiliam R. Guessogo, Samuel H. Mandengue, Peguy B. Assomo Ndemba, Ubald Olinga Medjo, Edmond Ebal Minye, Said Ahmaidi, Abdou Temfemo
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):333-339.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 14  Crossref 9

Development and effect of a cognitive enhancement gymnastics program for elderly people with dementia
Yoon-Soo Han, Tatsuo Araki, Pil-Young Lee, Jung-Hyun Choi, In-Seon Kwon, Ki-Nam Kwon, Ji-Youn Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):340-345.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 4  Crossref 4

Influence of the actions observed on cervical motion in patients with chronic neck pain: a pilot study
Lucía de-la-Puente-Ranea, Beatriz García-Calvo, Roy La Touche, Josué Fernández-Carnero, Alfonso Gil-Martínez
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):346-354.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 13  Crossref 14

An exploration of implications for the development of Pilates instructor system through identification of instructors’ difficulties
Su Yeon Roh
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):355-362.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 3  Crossref 3

Evaluation of the accuracy of Lachman and Anterior Drawer Tests with KT1000 ın the follow-up of anterior cruciate ligament surgery
Bekir Eray Kilinc, Adnan Kara, Haluk Celik, Yunus Oc, Savas Camur
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):363-367.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 13  Crossref 15

Effect of the kinetic variables and postural stability between bilateral in lower limbs by the Oreum trekking exercise: asymmetric index
Che-Cheong Ryew, Seung-Hyun Hyun
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):368-372.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 2  Crossref 2

Restrictions of physical activity participation in older adults with disability: employing keyword network analysis
Kyo-Man Koo, Chun-Jong Kim, Chae-Hee Park, Jung-Kyun Byeun, Geon-Woo Seo
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(4):373-378.   Published online August 26, 2016
                          Web of Science 4  Crossref 4
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Journal Impact Factor 1.2
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