Unprecedented phenomena have occurred in this year that have led to put aside leisure and healthcare. On top of pandemic, endless news on natural and man-made disasters have occurred one after another along with global financial crisis. Burden on survivorship has drastically risen to put healthcare aside. Specialists in various areas forecast the stagnant upcoming year. Times like this, healthcare expert including the members and readers of Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation (JER) should feel more responsible to provide more convincing and evidence-based scientific proofs to manage one’s health. Exercise is the most safe and potent medicine for managing not only health but stress.
Due to social distancing and limited resources for scientific research, many journals had difficult time obtaining adequate number of articles to be published. However, quite a few quality articles were submitted and published to JER. This indicates the dedication of the members and readers to the field of exercise rehabilitation and the Journal. The situation may worsen for the following year for the experts in the field of health to perform necessary predesigned research. Despite the difficulties that may be barriers to prevent quality scientific research, the researchers of JER should maintain their perseverance and should be determined to continue to realize research goals. There are many uncovered facts that should be reported to apprehend the ever-changing field of health and health promotion.
JER has been the medium to peer review the research manuscripts for mutual understanding between the readers and authors throughout the years. All of the members of JER will continue to take the responsibility to maintain its internationally recognized quality for providing the latest facts and findings the following year.