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J Exerc Rehabil > Volume 20(4);2024 > Article
Jee: Try effective rehabilitation exercises together: 3rd robust future in our confirmative exercise
Shall we begin? It’s important to note that doing exercise is more important than preparing for it. Let’s get started together! However, in our rehabilitation team, we need experts with various qualifications besides physical exercise. We are aware of the benefits of exercise in various fields, and each of us provides effective exercise methods from our subjective perspectives.
Firstly, what type of rehabilitation exercise would be helpful for patients with brain damage? What types of physical fitness elements should we humans possess? For example, would endurance, muscular endurance, strength, or flexibility exercises be beneficial for brain rehabilitation?
Secondly, what type of rehabilitation exercise would be helpful for patients with heart issues? Among cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, strength, or flexibility, which type of exercise would be beneficial for cardiac rehabilitation?
Thirdly, what type of rehabilitation exercise would be helpful for patients with metabolic disorders? Among cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, strength, or flexibility, which type of exercise would aid in the rehabilitation of patients with metabolic disorders?
As we age, we are increasingly exposed to various diseases. We are aware of these diseases ourselves, and experts are well aware of them too. So, if more effective methods are known, why carry the burden alone? A place that effectively educates about exercise rehabilitation... That place is Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation (JER).
The methods to access our JER are widely disseminated through scholarly journals, PubMed, Web of Science, and many other knowledge resources. Naturally, we have a wealth of knowledge for therapeutic exercises for patients.
In particular, our JER is building a sustainable educational platform where various experts can gather to exchange detailed insights and practical know-how. It’s preferable not to enjoy medical achievements alone but to share them together. Someday, such gatherings of knowledge will be preparations for a better future. This is not only beneficial to our parents, siblings, and children but above all, it’s what we ourselves need the most.



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