A new start
Article information
Just as a snake sheds its old skin, the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation (JER) will launch a new website in English in 2013. Thus, it is now making an effort to become one of the most renowned international peer-reviewed journals in the field of rehabilitation medicine, sports medicine, sports physiology, rehabilitation education, and rehabilitation welfare.
The JER will be published as an open-access issue so that it may provide the researches with a rapid scientific communication. Moreover, its publishing policy will be based on online publication in English in an effort to promote the scientific communication between the international researchers. Furthermore, it will also contribute to providing them with a great access to the Korean data from various specialty areas such as exercise rehabilitation, disease-specific medicine and quality-of-life one. Finally, it will receive a manuscript submission from researchers from all around the world.
The JER will be indexed shortly within this year in PubMed, PubMed Central, and Scopus. In addition, it will be published as an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Thus, this will eventually contribute to expanding the base of readers internationally.
The online publication policy of the JER will be a useful measure of communication between the researchers in an era of social networking and smart-phones. The JER has adopted an online-first publication policy for its publications, thus providing the researchers with not only the fastest route of communication but also the latest updates on the relevant fields.
Publication ethics is the most important issue at the present. Unfortunately, however, the JER could not follow “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.” But all the manuscripts submitted to the JER will be screened for plagiarism using the CrossCheck system. This will apply to the revised version of the “Information for Authors” section of the June 2013 issue.
In 2013, the JER will make every effort to find the best ways to provide the researchers with novel findings in the basic and clinical research areas in the field of exercise rehabilitation. Moreover, its upcoming goal is to be indexed in Medline and as SCI or SCIE. The JER has already begun to take a forward-looking step by launching an online library with an online submission/review system and introducing some new features to the journal platform. Finally, the JER will continue to find its own way to position it as one of the most renowned international peer-reviewed journals in the field of exercise rehabilitation.